The Portugal job seeker visa admits its bearer to enter and stay exclusively in Portugal for the purpose of seeking for employment; licenses him or her to carry out a subordinated work activity, until the visa expires or until the residence permit is granted. The visa also allows him or her to carry out a subordinated work activity until the visa expires or until the residence permit is granted.
This visa is valid for a period of 120 days, during which time it may be extended for an additional 60 days, however it only permits a single entrance into Portugal.
The Portugal job seeker visa admits its bearer to enter and stay exclusively in Portugal for the purpose of seeking for employment; licenses him or her to carry out a subordinated work activity, until the visa expires or until the residence permit is granted. The visa also allows him or her to carry out a subordinated work activity until the visa expires or until the residence permit is granted.
The granting of this visa presupposes the assignment of a date of scheduling in the appropriate services, within the period of validity of 120 days of the visa, and it gives the applicant the right to apply for a residence permit after the formalization of an employment contract during that time period. In order to do this, you are required to satisfy the general requirements that are outlined in article 77 of the Law, which governs the issuing of temporary residency permits.
The visa holder is required to depart the country after the maximum validity limit of the visa for seeking for work has passed without an employment connection having been created or the procedure of requesting the granting of a residence permit having been started.
In these circumstances, the only time you will be able to reapply for a fresh visa application for this reason is exactly one year after the validity period of the prior visa has ended.
A job seeker visa holder’s request for a visa extension must be accompanied by proof of registration with the IEFP, I.P., as well as a declaration by the applicant indicating that the conditions of the planned stay are maintained. This declaration will be evaluated taking into consideration the reasons that justified the initial issuance of the job seeker visa.
The granting of this visa presupposes the assignment of a date of scheduling in the appropriate services, within the period of validity of 120 days of the visa, and it gives the applicant the right to apply for a residence permit after the formalization of an employment contract during that time period. In order to do this, you are required to satisfy the general requirements that are outlined in article 77 of the Law, which governs the issuing of temporary residency permits.
The visa holder is required to depart the country after the maximum validity limit of the visa for seeking for work has passed without an employment connection having been created or the procedure of requesting the granting of a residence permit having been started.
In these circumstances, the only time you will be able to reapply for a fresh visa application for this reason is exactly one year after the validity period of the prior visa has ended.
A job seeker visa holder’s request for a visa extension must be accompanied by proof of registration with the IEFP, I.P., as well as a declaration by the applicant indicating that the conditions of the planned stay are maintained. This declaration will be evaluated taking into consideration the reasons that justified the initial issuance of the job seeker visa.
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