4-day week: “Tax incentives” among possible stimuli

business people meeting in the office Calculate the tax and income of the company's investment. Stra

The granting of tax incentives to companies or exempting them from certain bureaucratic obligations could be solutions to stimulate the application of the four-day week, indicates the final report of the pilot project for this type of working week. The creation of a more favorable tax regime, to encourage this new form of work, could […]

ASAE and tax inspectors demand a review of pay scales

Tax and customs inspectors and ASAE inspectors are demanding a review of their pay scales to guarantee differentiation from general careers, which no longer exists with the recent salary increase for senior technicians. This demand is included in a common set of demands for these careers, drawn up by a platform of four unions, which […]

Employers’ confederations contest 7.9% pay rise for administrative staff

The decree defining wage increases of 7.89% for 104,250 administrative workers in various sectors not covered by collective bargaining was published today in the Diário da República, with the opposition of three employers’ confederations. The notice regarding the increases had already been published in the Labor and Employment Bulletin at the beginning of March, signed […]

What taxes apply to telecommuting from Portugal to other countries?

The rule is that income must be paid in the country of residence, and there are agreements in place to avoid double taxation. Social security contributions are also due. Anyone staying in Portugal for more than 183 days a year, consecutive or interpolated, and who is therefore considered a tax resident, must pay tax on […]

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