Published: November 29, 2024

The Executive will negotiate with the social partners an increase in the minimum wage of 60 euros in 2024, to 820 euros gross per month, ten euros more than provided for in the income agreement.

The government and social partners are negotiating a proposal to increase the minimum wage to 820 euros per month in 2024, ten euros higher than stipulated in the income improvement agreement signed last year. The news was reported on Friday by Jornal de Negócios, which quotes a government source.

Prime Minister António Costa had already said in an interview that next year’s minimum wage increase could go beyond 810 euros. The upward revision of this increase, which was also admitted by the president of the Confederation of Commerce and Services (CCP), João Vieira Lopes, should be closed in the negotiations taking place in the social concertation over the next few days, writes the newspaper.

Currently, the guaranteed minimum wage in Portugal is 760 euros gross, so if the rise to 820 euros goes ahead, it would be a nominal increase of 7.9%, above the inflation outlook of just over 5%, notes Negócios. The newspaper also points out that the increase in the minimum wage also depends on the new proposal for salary increases that the government will present to the Civil Service: the figure on the table for the increase in the remuneration base for the Civil Service was 821.83 euros, but the government has already promised the unions that it will be revised.


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