Published: November 29, 2024

Vogal of the Agency for Administrative Modernization works in a “hybrid regime”.

Tito Vieira works in a “hybrid regime” as administrator of the Agency for Administrative Modernization (AMA), a public institute responsible for modernizing state services. That is, the public manager splits his work “between AMA’s premises in Lisbon and teleworking in Maia [in the Metropolitan Area of Porto],” according to AMA’s president, João Dias. For the exercise of the function of administrator in “hybrid regime”, Tito Vieira earns 6409 euros gross per month in base salary and representation expenses. At this moment, the legal office of AMA is evaluating whether this administrator has misused the company car to travel for personal benefit.

The employment situation of Tito Vieira is causing discomfort in AMA. At the center of this discomfort is an audit of the legal office of AMA on the use of the company car by Tito Vieira. The audit concluded that the administrator had misused the company car for personal benefit. And this conclusion was corroborated by a legal opinion requested to a law firm. Asked about this situation, the president of AMA said: “To know in more detail the terms and conditions under which it is possible to use the vehicles allocated to the AMA fleet, an external legal opinion was requested and is under consideration in the legal office of AMA to better substantiate the position to be transmitted to the board [administration of AMA]. He added: “Depending on the final information from the legal office, the AMA board will consider the decisions or measures that may be necessary. If any irregularity is found to have occurred, we will proceed to regularize it.”

According to João Dias, the administrator has his usual tax residence in the municipality of Maia. And “since he started work on September 1, 2022, he travels, as a rule, once a week in a self-driving car to Maia. Given the doubts about the possible misuse of the AMA car, Tito Vieira, according to a source with knowledge of the situation, has refused to work in Lisbon. When questioned about this situation, the AMA leader said: “Tito Vieira never refused or showed any embarrassment in the normal exercise of his functions in Lisbon or anywhere else, whenever necessary. Hehas practiced a hybrid work regime, divided between AMA’s facilities, in Lisbon, and telecommuting, in Maia.”


MárioCampolargo, Secretary of State for Digitalization and Administrative Modernization, appointed the AMA administration: João Dias, Tito Vieira, and Elsa Castro were appointed on a substitute basis, in August 2022, and then permanently, in January 2023.

The AMAleader said Campolargo has not been informed about Tito Vieira’s case, because the external opinion on the use of AMA cars is under review.

TheAMA leader earns 8011 euros gross/month (5722 euros salary and 2289 euros for representation expenses). A vowel earns 6409 euros gross/month: salary of 4578 euros and expenses of 1831euros.


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